

18 years TrackGPS by AROBS

Celebrating 18 years of trust: TrackGPS by AROBS

This year, we celebrate 18 years since the first sale of a vehicle monitoring license, 18 years during which we had the opportunity to evolve ...
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CAN Data Solution – get connected to your car’s on-board computer

The biggest challenge you face as a fleet manager is maintaining the balance between driver safety and fleet operating costs, so it is essential to ...
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2-factor authentication, available in the TrackGPS app

The TrackGPS fleet management solution combines the accuracy of GPS tracking devices, Bluetooth sensors and CAN data from vehicles with video telematics data, all to ...
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Ideal solution EN

Fleet management solutions, which should you choose?

There can be many reasons why you choose to use a fleet management solution, from the desire to have an overview of the activity of ...
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2023 trends EN

2023 trends in fleet management

2022 proved to be a year full of challenges, including the field of fleet management. Even if 2023 does not seem to be any more ...
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Why upgrade Google map?

By upgrading Google Map, you can have a faster experience with a more detailed,precise map with a landscape, satellite, 3D view or Street View. A ...
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How do you prepare your machine fleet for winter operations?

Cold weather inevitably comes with snow. The companies that offer snow clearing services must stand ready for any situation, whether it is the full exploitation ...
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